Do you have a special someone in your life who serves as a law enforcement agent, or perhaps someone who is retiring? Are you looking for ways to appreciate them for National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, or perhaps for no reason other than to show your love?
Are you part of their team and want to find a special gift? There are so many ways to appreciate a law enforcement officer in your life, and this post will give you some ideas to start.
Here are some wonderful gift ideas for that special law enforcement agent in your life, whether they’re a police officer, SWAT, FBI agent, private investigator, or they work in any other LE field.
1. A DHS personalized blue crystal retirement plaque
It’s not easy working for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). This is a demanding, gratifying job and anyone in this field will feel completely honored when you express your appreciation.
Is your special law enforcement agent retiring from the DHS? Honor them with a personalized blue crystal retirement plaque. This beautiful award can be personalized with their name, dates they’ve worked in the field, and how many years they’ve been of service.
This plaque is perfect for:
· ICE agents
· Federal air marshalls
· Detention and deportation officers
· Federal protective service inspectors
· And any other DHS position
The demo plaque displays a powerful message of commendation for their leadership, but you can also personalize this message with whatever you’d like it to read.
2. Take them out to dinner
Take your special law enforcement officer out to dinner to show them how much you appreciate them and their work serving the community. If they have a family, take their whole family out to dinner so you can all celebrate their contributions together.
You may even be able to set something up with the restaurant ahead of time to present them with a special dessert or some kind of custom meal that isn’t on the menu. Some restaurants are more willing to do special favors for law enforcement officers, so use that information to your advantage and don’t be afraid to ask.
3. Host a community celebration potluck
Do people in your community know your law enforcement agent? Maybe your loved one is a police officer and all the kids in the neighborhood know them because they take the time to hang out.
If you’ve got a law enforcement officer in your life that’s well known and loved by the community, a community potluck is the perfect way to celebrate them. Invite the whole community to the park for a potluck on the weekend, but get clearance from their department head first. Find out when they can take a full day off to enjoy the gathering.
4. Humor
Humor is always a great way to show your appreciation for someone. Making people laugh is the best way to make them feel good. The law enforcement agent in your life will love being made to smile.
Find a funny card or some kind of funny joke you can tell them (or write them). It can be an actual joke or a funny prank. However, if you choose to pull a prank, make sure it’s harmless and more on the funny side.
For example, set up a bunch of décor on their office desk in their least favorite color, or get a bunch of cool-looking garden gnomes to place on their porch while they’re asleep.
Humor is an excellent way to bond with people, and there may even be a more important purpose. In his book titled, Ha! The Science of When We Laugh and Why, neuroscientist Scott Weems discusses an interesting theory: that humor is a coping mechanism that we use to handle conflict and confusion around difficult subjects.
You don’t have to throw out dark humor, unless that’s what they like. Just figure out what will give your person a good belly laugh and make it happen.
5. Write them a letter with a beautiful delivery
One of the best ways to appreciate anyone is to write them a personal letter to express your gratitude and appreciation. It doesn’t need to be long, just make it meaningful.
For example, you can write a few paragraphs or a page telling them how proud you are of them for their accomplishments and contributions on and off the job. Tell them how they’ve made an impact in as much detail as possible. You’d be surprised at how far a little bit of acknowledgment can go, considering most people don’t express how they feel to others. At least not in-depth.
Writing the letter is just the first step in appreciation. Your delivery is another opportunity to make your person feel special and loved.
Once your letter is written, choose how you’ll deliver your letter. You can mail it, but that’s impersonal. You can put it in a plain envelope, but again, there’s no personal touch.
Instead, find a decorative envelope or create one yourself. Write their name on the envelope using colorful markers, or wrap it up and put a wax stamp on it to make it look like it’s from the 17th century.
Celebrate your law enforcement agent with a custom plaque from DIY Awards
Personalized law enforcement appreciation gifts are an excellent choice for showing your appreciation to loved ones who work in a challenging field. There’s nothing easy about being a law enforcement agent, no matter what area they work in.
To express your appreciation, check out our extensive selection of personalized law enforcement plaques, including: