Teacher Appreciation Wording Ideas and Sample Layouts

Teacher Quote by "William Ward"

Teacher & Academic Counselor

“The mediocre teacher tells, The good teacher explains,
The superior teacher demonstrates,
The great teacher inspires.”
- William Arthur Ward

You have been an inspiration to us all!

Are you looking for the teacher thank you gift that the teacher will love and cherish? Personalized with teachers quote by William Arthur Ward and customized with teacher and class name, this crystal circle shaped teacher appreciation award plaque is both heartfelt and unique. A perfect end of year teacher appreciation gift from students to thank your favorite teachers for the impact they have made in your life!
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"The Power of One" - PTA Teacher Gift Quotes

Honoring a Very Special Principal

One tree can start a forest;
One smile can begin a friendship;
One hand can lift a soul;
One word can frame a goal;
One candle can wipe out darkness;
One laugh can conquer gloom;
One hope can raise our spirits;
One touch can show you care;
One life can make a difference.
You are that One!

A Gift from PTA

"You are the one who made a difference"
- A powerful thank you gift for that special teacher that
makes a lasting impression!
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Christian Teacher Appreciation Ideas:

Honoring a Very Special Sunday School Teacher

There are no words that can describe our love and
gratitude for the years of caring, love, and tenderness;
for your patience, generosity, and boundless thoughtfulness.
Your imprint lives forever in the hearts and minds of
all the children of Promise Lutheran Preschool.

There are many who go the “second mile,”
and greet each day’s tasks with a smile;
who spend their lives serving others
and look upon all men as brothers.

Who work for all children everywhere,
when there’s a need - they are there.
Their time and talents freely dedicate
serving in places small and great.

These are the ones we honor today.
And to you, we wish to say -
this world is now a better place
because it looked upon your face.

You Made a Difference!

Looking for that inspirational message or bible verse for Christian teacher appreciation & recognition? This personalized teacher gift makes a strong statement.
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"Thank You, Teacher" Quote:

With Our Greatest

We Hereby Honor

A Very Special Teacher

Thank you
for being a truly inspirational teacher.
You believed in us.
Your standards were so high for us.
You brought out the very best in us.
We will always be grateful for all the hard work
and dedication you have given
to make us who we are today.

28 Years of Changing Lives

For teachers who spent their career changing lives and have made such an impact on all of us, we say “Thank You, Teacher” and “We will always remember you!”
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Female Teacher Appreciation Message Ideas:

Thank You!

Honoring a Very Special Teacher

Thank you for being such an amazing teacher!
Thank you so much for all that you do.
You have made a lifelong impact on all of us.
Your words of wisdom have guided us
And given us courage to chase our dreams.
Your imprint lives forever
in our hearts and in our minds.

Thank you for guiding us, inspiring us
and making us what we are today!
We want you to know that you have
touched our lives in so many ways,
as a teacher, mentor and friend.

With Love and Gratitude
Class of 2015

A streamlined crystal design furnished with timeless floral accents, this layout puts your personal appreciation messages on focus.
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Music Teacher Appreciation Sayings:

With Our Deepest Appreciation

To Our Favorite Music Teacher

Thank you for your tireless efforts
in building our musical foundations
and your devotion to us, your students.

Thank you for all your help and patience,
we couldn't have made it without you!

Class of 2012

The flowing music notes set the tone for this popular music teacher gift.You will hit a home run with this special teacher’s end of the year gift.
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"I want to be like you" Teacher Poem:


"I Want To Be Like You
Thank you, teacher, for being my life's role model.
When I consider all you’ve taught me
and reflect on the kind of person you are.
I want to be like you—

smart, interesting and engaging,
positive, confident, yet unpretentious.
I want to be like you—

well-informed and easy to understand,
thinking with your heart as well as your head,
gently nudging us to do our best,
with sensitivity and insight.
I want to be like you—

giving your time, energy and talent to ensure
the brightest possible future for each of us.
Thank you teacher for giving us a goal to shoot for.
You have been an inspiration to all of us.
I want to be like you!"
By Joanna Fuchs

A Gfit from the SHS Class of 2015

This is the greatest present you could give your teacher! Use this if you want to make your child’s teacher crystal with tears of joy.
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Class Reunion Teacher Appreciation Quote:

Honoring a Very Special Teacher

“The dream begins, most of the time,
with a teacher who believes in you,
who tugs and pushes and leads you on to the next plateau,
sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called truth.
-- Dan Rather

We, the class of 1989, want you to know that
you have touched our lives in so many ways
as a teacher, mentor and friend.

Plan to invite that special teacher to your school/class reunion? This is the gift of choice to let her (him) know that she made such an impact on your lives.
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Bible Verse for Teacher Appreciation:

Present to a Very Special Teacher

Whose dedication to the lives of others
has truly made a difference and
given hope and encouragement to so many.

GOD doesn’t come and go. GOD lasts. . .
He energizes those who get tired,
gives fresh strength to dropouts.
For even young people tire and drop out,
young folk in their prime stumble and fall.
But those who wait upon GOD get fresh strength.
They spread their wings and soar like eagles.
They run and don’t get tired.
They walk and don’t lag behind.

Isaiah 40:29-31

With Great Affection and Gratitude

From Smithville Elementary School PTA

Looking for the right words to say thank you to a Christian teacher? This layout incorporates an inspirational bible verse on teacher appreciation.
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Custom Crystal Plaques and Awards for Teachers

Teachers are modern day heroes, for they have touched Children's lives in so many ways. Honoring the very special teachers with the right teacher appreciation quotes and poems sends the message that the honoree is as unique as the gift he or she is receiving.

If you are searching for a personalized teacher appreciation gift from the class, looking for a new way to thank the hard-working educators on behalf of the PTA, honoring the very important teacher on your Class Reunion or School Reunion, or just need ideas or materials for the Teacher Appreciation Week or Teacher Appreciation Day, these teacher appreciation messages and layout samples will surely help you come up with the right message to thank your teacher for their sacrifice and support.

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