Police Officer Prayer Plaque with Bible Verse

Police Officer Prayer Plaque with Bible Verse

Police Officer's Prayer: Dear Lord,
be with me on my beat
this day and every day.
Grant that each weary block I walk,
may ease a brother’s way.
Let me be kindly to the old
and to the young, be strong.
But let me triumph over those
whose acts are cruel and wrong.
And if according to your plan,
I am to lose my life,
please bless with your protecting hand
my children and my wife.
Police Appreciation Bible Verse:

"Well Done,
thou good and faithful servant.”

- Matthew 25:23

St. Michael Prayer Plaque for Police Officer

St. Michael Prayer Plaque for Police Officer

St. Michael Prayer
for Police Officer:

St. Michael 
The Archangel

It takes courage to serve, to protect,
to keep our nation safe.
Wishing you the best 
as you enter the service.
You deserve to be proud.

“Defend us in battle. 
Be our protection against the 
wickedness and snares of the 
devil. May God rebuke him, 
we humbly pray, and do those, 
O Prince of the heavenly hosts, 
by the power of God,
cast into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits
who prowl throughout the world
seeking the ruin of souls.”

Police K-9 Prayer Plaque

Police K-9 Prayer Plaque

In Honor of : K-9 Name
K-9 Officer Name
K-9 PRAYER: I will lay down my life for you and
expect nothing but love in return.
I will protect my officer with my life,  
and would gladly take a bullet in his place.
I am sent in to find lost children
and fugitives on the run. 
I find drugs and weapons and even bombs.
I am the first sent in and
sometimes the last to leave.
I am the nose and ears of my officer.
I protect and serve him.
I would die for him and for you.
I only ask for compassion and a kind word.
Sample K-9
Bible Verse:

“Be strong and courageous,
for the Lord will be with you wherever you go”


There are so many different words of prayer, carefully composed, that have been drafted in honor of law enforcement officers. Often, those words are captured on a piece of memorabilia, for example a police K-9 prayer plaque or St. Michael Prayer Plaque for Police Officer. This piece, the Police Prayer Cross Plaque, is a high-quality gesture of recognition. The engraved prayer has the sensitivity worthy of a true public servant.

Consider this sample inscription: “Dear Lord, be with me on my beat this day and every day. Grant that each weary block I walk, may ease a brother’s way.” The kindness of that plea makes it a truly wonderful piece for engraving. If you are looking for a police officer prayer plaque with bible verse, this police prayer cross plaque fits the bill in every way.

Suitable for: Policeman's Prayer Gift Plaque; Police officer Gift Plaque; Sheriff Gift Plaque

3 Sizes

3 Sizes

Small - 8"

CC31080 Handheld Image
Item ID: CC31080
Price $139.99
Dimension 8" H x 4-3/4" W x 1-1/4" D
Approx. Wt 2.8 lbs

Medium - 9"

CC31090 Handheld Image
Item ID: CC31090
Price $165.99
Dimension 9" H x 5-1/2" W x 1-1/4" D
Approx. Wt 3.9 lbs

Large - 10"

CC31100 Handheld Image
Item ID: CC31100
Price $189.99
Dimension 10" H x 6" W x 1-1/2" D
Approx. Wt 5.5 lbs
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