Searching for an effective way to promote safe practices in the workplace — and reward those who follow them responsibly? Whether you work in an office setting, oversee operations for warehousing or are involved in another profession, safety is an essential element of any workplace. Putting procedures in place is important, but reinforcing and incentivizing them makes even more of a difference.
At DIY Awards, we offer stunning, customizable safety award plaques for every workplace and circumstance. Each award is made of 100% optical crystal, deep-etched with personalized laser engravings and finished with hand-painted detail. Our unique online customization tool lets you easily choose the text, message, name and logo that will make your award perfect for each recipient.
Our friendly team is here to help with any part of the personalization process — from designing your plaque perfectly to choosing the right message for your safety stars. When you choose our rush shipping option, you'll receive your gift in three short days.
Show the people in your workplace how seriously you take safety by offering a crystal safety incentive plaque. Order and customize online from DIY Awards today.