Achievement Award Plaque Wording Ideas

Sample Corporate Achievement Award Wording Idea

Award Name: Corporate Achievement Award
Presented To: An Outstanding Employee
Sample Award Message: In Appreciation of Your
Outstanding Performance During This Year
Recognize your employee's outstanding achievement and make a memory with this beautifully made crystal plaque engraved with personal corporate achievement award wording.
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Milestone Achievement Award Messages and Quotes

Award Name: Milestone Achievement Award
Sample Award Message: Thank you for helping
the Gas Department
achieve so many milestones!
Employee Achievements: Safety:
- 1 Million Man-Hours w/o Lost Time Injury
- 9 Consecutive Years No Safety Violations
- 3 APGA Safety Management Excellence
Awards (2001, 2008, 2010)

Cost Reduction:
- $1M from Contract Locator Elimination

System Expansion:
- 19,812 Additional Services
- 452 Miles of Main Installed
- 26 Employees Added
- 18,348 Customers Added

New Technology:
- Directional Boring Drill
- Vibratory Plows
Employee achievements are highlighted in this milestone achievement award to recognize the employee for his or her outstanding contribution to the organization’s many milestones
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Sample Exceptional Achievement Award Message

Award Name: Exceptional Achievement Award
Presented to: A Longtime Employee and Colleague
Award Wording Template: For All Your
Dedicated Service And Efforts
Where They Counted Most

With Gratitude
From Your Co-Workers & Friends
Customize this crystal award with your own logo and a heartfelt appreciation message to thank the outstanding employees for their exceptional achievements and significant contributions to the organizational success.
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Congratulation Message for Employee Promotion

Award Name: Employee Of The Year
Award Recipient: Our Outstanding Employee
Sample Award Wording Ideas:

On Behalf of the Entire Company,
Thank You!

In recognition and deep appreciation 
for your excellent performance 
and team leadership

This employee achievement award is an ideal gift to congratulate the outstanding employee for his or her well-deserved promotion.
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Lifetime Achievement Award Quotes and Wording

Award Name: Leadership Achievement Award
Leadership Award Quote: “The task of the leader is to get
his people from where they are
to where they have not been.”
Sample Award Wording Ideas: In Appreciation
of Your Visionary Guidance
and Outstanding Leadership
For Over 20 Years
Honor the excellence in the workforce that spans an entire career with this lifetime achievement award plaque engraved with inspirational leadership quote
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Sample Star Achievement Award Wording Idea

Award Name: Star Employee of the Year
Presented to: An Outstanding and Dedicated Employee
Sample Award Message: In recognition and deep appreciation
for your excellent performance
and team leadership

Achievement Unlocked
With a heartfelt appreciation message, this star employee achievement award is a great way to thank and recognize the employee of the year for the excellent performance and unwavering dedication.
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Quotes for Lifetime Achievement Award

Award Name: Lifetime Achievement Award
Presented to: Inductee, Hall of Fame
Sample Award Wording Idea: A Man Whose Passion To Win
Changed The World
This elegantly handcrafted crystal achievement award, with its well-chosen quote, superbly honors and celebrates a lifetime of achievements. What a great way to congratulate and recognize enduring dedication and success!
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Teacher of the Year Globe Tower

Award Name: Global Achievement Award
Presented to: A Global Impactor
Sample Award Message: We are grateful for the professionalism
and leadership you bring to our organization 
and the significant contributions you have made to our success.
Thank you for a lifetime of exceptional work!
Reward the employee who has made a global impact with this unique global achievement award engraved with a big 'thank you' message for professionalism and exceptional work.
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Custom Corporate Recognition Awards & Plaques

For those superstars in the workplace, achievement awards are a great way to recognize corporate excellence. Whether you’re searching through sample corporate achievement award wording ideas or milestone achievement award wording ideas and quotes, it’s important to remember that inscriptions should come from the heart. This should also include congratulation messages for employee promotions or any jump up the corporate ladder.

To get you started, we’ve sifted through some leadership achievement award wording ideas and quotes as well as those all-important quotes for lifetime achievement awards. There are so many beautiful ways to personalize employee achievement awards and corporate achievement, and our sample global achievement award wording templates will help get you started. Keep these guidelines in mind when designing any and all achievement awards and you’ll both humble and impress your honoree. Awards matter, but words of praise for achievement recognition matter even more.

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